What make Cagle Bail Bonds different from other bail bond companies here in Little Elm, Texas?
To put it simple our level of professionalism, customer service, complete confidentiality, friendly staff, along with honest and fair pricing for bail bonds.
Licensed Bail Bondsman is an individual that is licensed by the County and the State Insurance stating that they can legally assist or aid those accused or defendants in need of a bail bond so they can be released from jail. Bail Bonds traditionally have a 10% premium and must be paid up-front prior to being released, however there are always financing options available for credit worthy individuals.
The Cagle Bail Bonds staff has the experience on handling any and all situations i.e. Misdemeanors, Felonies, White Collar Crimes, Juvenile, Drug Cases, DWI, and DUI is to just name a few of the cases that we have taken through the bail bond process.
Cagle Bail Bonds is always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or 24/7 regardless of weekends, holidays, or even Christmas. For our number priority it to help you with your situation and get you home with your loved ones.
Our Bail Bond Process at Cagle Bail Bonds is fast and efficient regardless of your situation. Our number priority is to get you home with your loved ones as fast as possible with 100% customer satisfaction.
Cagle Bail Bonds was voted as the Best Bail Bond Service here in Denton County, Texas in 2012 & 2013 per the Denton Record Chronicle.
Same Day Service Available
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